
Hello and welcome to Stick To Your Ribs,

This a blog that I have created for my other half  (Mr.Man) that will aid him in his discovery in all things culinary and delicious. When you come from an environment when those around you are happy to do most of the cooking- life is good. You appreciate the comforted smell that reaches your nose from a hard day at work or school. I know I did.

I was eager from a young age to join in with the cooking and eat the food. And along the way I picked up some good habits and I picked up some bad. I wanted to help my boyfriend in his culinary experience away from his childhood home. I thought about devising a recipe book, that I would write everything that I knew so that he could learn. But what I know is not easy to learn and nor is it easy to teach. A lot of the times I make it up as I go along. I put a bit of this with a bit of that. If I can’t remember what I used then how I can tell you.  I haven’t been the most patient of teachers and thought this blog would be a good way for him to pick up some tips and hints along his journey.

He can cook, don’t get me wrong but I want to help him while he tries to juggle a busy work load and then coming home and having to cook for himself. I want to provide him with the basic knowledge that he can take and experiment with himself. I want to make cooking seem less daunting, yes it is a necessity but also a pleasure.

Food that he will enjoy eating and hopefully enjoy cooking.

Thanks x x

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